• Joined on 2021-01-28
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/spkg 2021-06-30 00:20:05 +03:00
6c96f158fc caching works properly now
Compare 9 commits »
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/repo 2021-06-29 23:15:25 +03:00
db92494f46 Usuń 'autopoint-gettextize/Makefile'
Ohio2 commented on issue duck/repo#1 2021-06-29 23:07:35 +03:00

My part has been done, thus, i removed myself

Ohio2 opened issue duck/spkg#7 2021-06-29 23:06:39 +03:00
Multiple Packages per one command
Ohio2 merged pull request duck/spkg#6 2021-06-29 22:56:43 +03:00
format code and split things into their own respective functions
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:56:43 +03:00
5a6750444e Merge pull request 'format code and split things into their own respective functions' (#6) from hippoz/spkg:master into master
8d88abdda7 format code and split things into their own respective functions
Compare 2 commits »
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:56:24 +03:00
6ecce2688c Upon removing, it removes entries from cache too! (06.29.2a.ut)
ad247fa21e man update
Compare 2 commits »
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:55:33 +03:00
6c96f158fc caching works properly now
3487b76b45 Parser fix
Compare 6 commits »
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:51:54 +03:00
Ohio2 created branch old in duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:50:00 +03:00
Ohio2 pushed to old at duck/spkg 2021-06-29 22:50:00 +03:00
Ohio2 reopened pull request duck/spkg#6 2021-06-29 22:44:31 +03:00
format code and split things into their own respective functions
Ohio2 closed pull request duck/spkg#6 2021-06-29 22:44:21 +03:00
format code and split things into their own respective functions
Ohio2 commented on pull request duck/spkg#6 2021-06-29 22:43:48 +03:00
format code and split things into their own respective functions


Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/repo 2021-06-29 21:49:57 +03:00
Ohio2 commented on issue hippoz/homepage#1 2021-06-29 21:19:04 +03:00
Homepage is glitchy

the buttons are buggy

Ohio2 opened issue duck/repo#1 2021-06-29 20:57:28 +03:00
Ohio2 opened issue duck/spkg#5 2021-06-29 20:51:51 +03:00
Confirmation system
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/repo 2021-06-29 19:19:42 +03:00
8592f22f8f Xorg makefile changes
Ohio2 pushed to master at duck/repo 2021-06-29 18:29:06 +03:00
fc0f8f0860 xorg prefix update