• Joined on 2021-01-28
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/aps 2021-08-24 07:56:14 +03:00
1ef353862d add the sel(ect) utility
Ohio2 created repository Ohio2/emerge-overlay 2021-08-23 05:35:05 +03:00
Ohio2 commented on pull request alnux/aps#7 2021-08-07 22:17:29 +03:00
instead of /tmp/alroot we should use /var/tmp/alroot, /tmp for /var/tmp

it's changed.

Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/aps 2021-08-07 22:17:15 +03:00
ba1b920608 ok changed
Ohio2 commented on pull request alnux/aps#7 2021-08-07 22:14:48 +03:00
instead of /tmp/alroot we should use /var/tmp/alroot, /tmp for /var/tmp

what do you think, like uhh / ? because i have no idea.

Ohio2 created pull request alnux/aps#7 2021-08-07 18:00:22 +03:00
instead of /tmp/alroot we should use /mnt, /tmp for /var/tmp
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/aps 2021-08-07 17:59:59 +03:00
b23750f84a instead of /tmp/alroot we should use /mnt, /tmp for /var/tmp
Ohio2 created repository Ohio2/aps 2021-08-07 17:57:22 +03:00
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/repo 2021-08-05 20:47:05 +03:00
80589ea3ee fix up bash
Ohio2 created pull request alnux/repo#39 2021-08-05 20:41:17 +03:00
clean up some shit, add update-grub, add /etc/default/grub and readd openrc, since hummingbird might not be enough
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/repo 2021-08-05 20:40:34 +03:00
633355b6c1 clean up some shit, add update-grub, add /etc/default/grub and readd openrc, since hummingbird might not be enough
Ohio2 created pull request alnux/repo#38 2021-08-05 00:27:59 +03:00
fix binutils and add x libs
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/repo 2021-08-05 00:27:19 +03:00
9621353c7e fix binutils and add x libs
Ohio2 created pull request alnux/repo#37 2021-08-02 19:58:54 +03:00
remove rsync from the code and patch make install
Ohio2 pushed to master at Ohio2/repo 2021-08-02 19:57:54 +03:00
adba4ceb0f remove rsync from the code and patch make install
Ohio2 pushed to master at rice/dwm 2021-07-30 22:26:41 +03:00
83ef248a30 add steam patch
61dd2932dd add steam patch
Compare 2 commits »
Ohio2 pushed to master at rice/dwm 2021-07-30 20:15:37 +03:00
17f64ff03d change bar height & add time
Ohio2 pushed to master at rice/rice 2021-07-30 18:52:03 +03:00
c6b7c4fe99 configure picom.conf for dwm
Ohio2 pushed to master at rice/dmenu 2021-07-30 17:11:05 +03:00
d0f7e37ff3 idk what this is
Ohio2 pushed to master at rice/st 2021-07-30 17:10:09 +03:00
802b10e8da add uparrow and downarrow instead of pgup and pgdown
239574f91f commit before possible disaster (???)
Compare 2 commits »