### BEGGINING Now basic deps for aps are `make`, `gcc`, `git`. So, using aps, there are some variables, so, let's see them. ### VARIABLES - `temp_location` is as says ***it's a temporary location***. - `install_root` is as (again) as says ***it's a install root***. - `installed_pkg_databese` is a ***database of installed pkgs*** for *APS*. - `locpkg_database` is a ***database of pkgs in the repo*** that are for *APS* - `lock` locks the package manager ### FUNCTIONS The standard APS functions are as, follows: - `install` installs **but locally** - `sync` serves as update and install from repo - `remove` removes packages - `upgrade` upgrades installed packages - `help` displays help - `list` lists packages ### SETUP & INSTALL Let's get an iso, i, personally (author, Ohio2) prefer [xubuntu](https://xubuntu.org/). You got an iso, congrats! Now flash it with some flashing software, like, [balenaEtcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) to your usb or something. If you boot up the iso & *you select i want to try out xubuntu*, you'll land up on xfce. Go to start > terminal. Now if you setup partitions earlier on, skip it. Now type in `sudo -i gparted`, make a msdos partition table, make two new partitions, one that's your disk size or whatever you prefer -512M and a second one... that's 512M large. Ok save and write. Mount /dev/sda1 to wherever you want, now wget aps: `wget https://git.hippoz.xyz/alnux/aps/raw/branch/master/aps`, edit aps to `install_root` variable to wherever you mounted /dev/sda1. If you want to, add make default variables like this, edit /etc/make.conf add `MAKEOPTS=-j` whatever was your processor number by x1.5 and save. Now that's done let's sync our first package, `aps sync make` and all for the packages that you want... `aps list`. Now do `mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot`, `aps sync grub-configmake` and run `/usr/bin/grub-configmake`, it should do all the necessary things... Now you can compile linux... get it from it's source to wherever you pick, do what you need to do, configure it by `make menuconfig`, make `make`, install `make modules_install DESTDIR="" && make install DESTDIR="` and mount every root directory with `-o rebind` and chroot andd install grub via grub-install --root-directory=, you can reboot now, and you can boot ### TROUBLESHOOTING Git or Gzip need zlib - `apt install zlib1g-dev` Linux to compile needs: - `apt install bison flex libssl-dev`