Dodanie 'Installation of Duck & sPKG via wget'

Ohio2 2021-07-01 19:04:31 +03:00
parent b1f7760f8a
commit e78e5ccc2a

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- [x] Any Linux ISO
- [x] make, git, gcc installed.
Boot up your (any of choice) Linux ISO, (if gui, start the terminal, if not root by default, type in: `sudo -i` and cd to /) `git clone /tmp/` to download spkg, and now (if made) mount your partition.
If done: `cd /tmp/spkg` and `./spkg setup --root-dir /mnt`. Now make the essentials, `cd /mnt/usr/bin && ./spkg install --root-dir /mnt gcc` `./spkg install --root-dir /mnt git` `./spkg install --root-dir make` `./spkg install --root-dir /mnt busybox`. Now chroot: `chroot /mnt/`and install the packages you want to install
### Important Note:
You have to install grub via the iso, using `grub-install /dev/sdX` (X being the disk drive you want to install grub to.)