const websockets = require("ws"); const EventEmitter = require("events"); const uuid = require("uuid"); const User = require("../../../models/User"); const Channel = require("../../../models/Channel"); const { parseMessage, opcodeSeparator, getOpcodeByName } = require("./messageparser"); const { checkToken } = require("../../../common/auth/authfunctions"); const pingCheckDelay = 10000; class GatewayServer extends EventEmitter { constructor({ server }) { super(); this.wss = new websockets.Server({ server: server, path: "/gateway" }); this.pingInterval = setInterval(() => { this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (!client.alive) { client.terminate(); } client.alive = false; => {}); }); }, pingCheckDelay); this.wss.on("close", () => { clearInterval(this.pingInterval); console.log("gateway: websocket server closed"); }); this.wss.on("connection", (ws) => { // Send HELLO message as soon as the client connects ws.send(this.packet("HELLO", {})); ws.session = { authenticated: false, user: null, sessionId: uuid.v4() }; ws.alive = true; ws.on("pong", () => { ws.alive = true; }); ws.on("message", async (data) => { try { const message = parseMessage(data); switch (message.opcodeType) { case "YOO": { // The client has responded to our HELLO with a YOO packet try { const user = await checkToken(; if (!user) return ws.close(4006, "Authentication failed."); ws.session.user = user; ws.session.authenticated = true; // The user is now successfully authenticated, send the YOO_ACK packet // TODO: This is probably not efficient let channels = await Channel.find().lean().sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(50).select("-posts -__v").populate("creator", User.getPulicFields(true)); if (!channels) channels = []; channels = => ({ ...x, _id: x._id.toString() })); ws.channels = => x._id); ws.send(this.packet("YOO_ACK", { session_id: ws.session.sessionId, channels, user: { username: user.username, _id: user._id } })); console.log(`gateway: user ${user.username}: handshake complete`); } catch (e) { console.log("gateway:", e); return ws.close(4006, "Authentication failed."); } break; } case "ACTION_CREATE_MESSAGE": { if (!this.authMessage(ws)) return; if (typeof !== "string" || typeof !== "object" || typeof !== "string") throw new Error("msg: invalid fields in json payload"); const messageContent =; if (messageContent.length > 2000) return; if (messageContent === "") return; if ( !== 24) throw new Error("msg: payload has invalid id"); // MONGODB ONLY!! // Check if the user is in that channel before broadcasting the message if (!ws.channels.includes( return ws.close(4008, "Not authorized to perform action."); this.broadcast(, this.packet("EVENT_CREATE_MESSAGE", { content: messageContent, channel: { _id: }, author: { _id: ws.session.user._id, username: ws.session.user.username }, _id: uuid.v4() })); break; } } } catch(e) { console.error("gateway:", e); return ws.close(4000, "Error while handling payload."); } }); }); } } GatewayServer.prototype.broadcast = function(channelId, data) { this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (this.clientReady(client) && client.channels.includes(channelId)) client.send(data); }); }; GatewayServer.prototype.clientReady = function(ws) { return ws.readyState === websockets.OPEN && ws.session && ws.session.authenticated; }; GatewayServer.prototype.authMessage = function(ws) { if (!this.clientReady(ws)) { ws.close(4007, "Not authenticated."); return false; } return true; }; GatewayServer.prototype.packet = function(op, data) { if (typeof op === "string") op = getOpcodeByName(op); return `${op}${opcodeSeparator}${JSON.stringify(data)}`; }; module.exports = GatewayServer;