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182 lines
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const User = require('../../../models/User');
const secret = require('../../../secret');
const config = require('../../../config');
const Category = require('../../../models/Category');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const siolib = require('');
const uuid = require('uuid');
class GatewayServer {
constructor(httpServer) {
this._io = siolib(httpServer);
this._gateway = this._io.of('/gateway');
GatewayServer.prototype.authDisconnect = function(socket, callback) {
console.log('[E] [gateway] [handshake] User disconnected due to failed authentication');
socket.isConnected = false;
callback(new Error('ERR_GATEWAY_AUTH_FAIL'));
GatewayServer.prototype.eventSetup = function() {
this._gateway.use((socket, callback) => {
console.log('[*] [gateway] [handshake] User authentication attempt');
socket.isConnected = false;
setTimeout(() => {
if (socket.isConnected) return;
console.log('[E] [gateway] [handshake] User still not connected after timeout, removing...');
}, config.gatewayStillNotConnectedTimeoutMS);
// TODO: Maybe passing the token in the query is not the best idea?
const token = socket.handshake.query.token;
if (!token) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
if (!(typeof token === 'string')) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
const allSockets = this._gateway.sockets;
for (let [_, e] of allSockets) {
if (e.user && e.user.token === token) {
console.log(`[E] [gateway] [handshake] User ${e.user.username} tried to connect more than once, rejecting connection...`);
return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
jwt.verify(token, secret.jwtPrivateKey, {}, async (err, data) => {
if (err) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
if (!data) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
if (!data.username) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
const user = await User.findByUsername(data.username);
if (!user) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
let permissionLevel = config.roleMap[user.role];
if (!permissionLevel) {
permissionLevel = 0;
if (permissionLevel < config.roleMap.USER) return this.authDisconnect(socket, callback);
socket.user = {
username: data.username,
_id: user._id,
token // Maybe not secure
console.log(`[*] [gateway] [handshake] User ${data.username} has successfully authenticated`);
return callback();
this._gateway.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log(`[*] [gateway] [handshake] User ${socket.user.username} connected, sending hello and waiting for yoo...`);
socket.emit('hello', {
gatewayStillNotConnectedTimeoutMS: config.gatewayStillNotConnectedTimeoutMS,
resolvedUser: {
username: socket.user.username,
_id: socket.user._id
socket.once('yoo', () => {
console.log(`[*] [gateway] [handshake] Got yoo from ${socket.user.username}, connection is finally completed!`);
socket.isConnected = true;
socket.on('message', ({ category, content }) => {
if (!category || !content || !socket.joinedCategories || !socket.isConnected || !socket.user || !(typeof content === 'string') || !(typeof category._id === 'string')) return;
content = content.trim();
if (!content || content === '' || content === ' ' || content.length >= 2000) return;
// TODO: When/if category permissions are added, check if the user has permissions for that category
const categoryTitle = socket.joinedCategories[category._id];
if (!categoryTitle || !(typeof categoryTitle === 'string')) return;
const messageObject = {
author: {
username: socket.user.username,
_id: socket.user._id
category: {
title: categoryTitle,
_id: category._id
content: content,
_id: uuid.v4()
};'message', messageObject);
socket.on('subscribe', async (categories) => {
if ( !socket.isConnected || !socket.user || !categories || !Array.isArray(categories) || categories === []) return;
for (const v of categories) {
if (!v && !(typeof v === 'string')) continue;
// TODO: When/if category permissions are added, check if the user has permissions for that category
const category = await Category.findById(v);
if (category && category.title && category._id) {
if (!socket.joinedCategories) socket.joinedCategories = {};
if (socket.joinedCategories[v]) continue;
socket.joinedCategories[v] = category.title;
await socket.join(v);
console.log(`[*] [gateway] User ${socket.user.username} subscribed to room ${v} (${category.title}), sending updated user list to all members of that room...`);'clientListUpdate', await this._generateClientListUpdateObject(v, category.title));
socket.on('disconnecting', async () => {
console.log(`[*] [gateway] User ${socket.user.username} is disconnecting, broadcasting updated user list to all of the rooms they have been in...`);
const rooms = socket.rooms;
rooms.forEach(async (room) => {
// Socket io automatically adds a user to a room with their own id
if (room === return;
const categoryTitle = socket.joinedCategories[room] || 'UNKNOWN';
await socket.leave(room);'clientListUpdate', await this._generateClientListUpdateObject(room, categoryTitle));
GatewayServer.prototype._getSocketsInRoom = async function(room) {
const clients =;
const updatedClientList = [];
clients.forEach((client) => {
if (!client.isConnected || !client.user) return;
user: {
username: client.user.username,
_id: client.user._id
return updatedClientList;
GatewayServer.prototype._generateClientListUpdateObject = async function(room, categoryTitle='UNKNOWN') {
const clientList = await this._getSocketsInRoom(room);
return {
category: {
title: categoryTitle,
_id: room
module.exports = GatewayServer;