from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller from pynput.keyboard import Controller as KeyboardController from pynput.keyboard import Key from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import file class MessageParser(): def __init__(self): self.handlers = {} def add_handler(self, code: str, args={}): self.handlers[code] = { "args": args } def parse(self, message: str): if len(message) < 1: return None, "Message is empty" message_code = message[0] if message_code not in self.handlers: return None, "Message code is not handled" message_arguments = message[1:].split(";") handler = self.handlers[message_code] decoded_arguments = {} if len(handler["args"]) != len(message_arguments): return None, "Got message with invalid argument count" for i, argument_name in enumerate(handler["args"]): argument_type = handler["args"][argument_name] if argument_type == "int": try: decoded_arguments[argument_name] = int(message_arguments[i]) except ValueError: return None, "Error parsing int argument for message (is it really an int?)" elif argument_type == "float": try: decoded_arguments[argument_name] = float(message_arguments[i]) except ValueError: return None, "Error parsing float argument for message (is it really a float?)" elif argument_type == "str": decoded_arguments[argument_name] = message_arguments[i] elif argument_type == "char": if len(message_arguments[i]) != 1: return None, "Error parsing char argument due to invalid size" decoded_arguments[argument_name] = message_arguments[i] else: raise ValueError("parse(): Message handler references an invalid argument type") return message_code, decoded_arguments button_code_lookup = [ Button.left, Button.right ] keyboard_lookup = { "{space}":, "{ent}": Key.enter, "{backspace}": Key.backspace } class InputController(): def __init__(self): self.mouse_controller = Controller() self.keyboard_controller = KeyboardController() self.parser = MessageParser() # Keyboard key press self.parser.add_handler("k", { "key": "str" }) # Relative mouse movement self.parser.add_handler("r", { "x": "int", "y": "int" }) # Mouse relative scroll self.parser.add_handler("s", { "x": "float", "y": "float" }) # Mouse button down self.parser.add_handler("d", { "button": "int" }) # Mouse button up self.parser.add_handler("u", { "button": "int" }) # Mouse button click self.parser.add_handler("c", { "button": "int" }) def button_code_to_object(self, button_code: int): # HACK obj = None try: obj = button_code_lookup[button_code] except IndexError: return button_code_lookup[0] return obj def deserialize_key(self, key: str): obj = None try: obj = keyboard_lookup[key] except KeyError: if len(key) != 1: return None return key return obj def process_message(self, message: str) -> bool: code, args = self.parser.parse(message) if code == None: print("error while parsing message:", args) return False elif code == "r": self.mouse_controller.move(args["x"], args["y"]) elif code == "d":["button"])) elif code == "u": self.mouse_controller.release(self.button_code_to_object(args["button"])) elif code == "c":["button"])) elif code == "s": self.mouse_controller.scroll(args["x"], args["y"]) elif code == "k": key = self.deserialize_key(args["key"]) if key: self.keyboard_controller.tap(key) else: print("got invalid code from parser (is this a bug with the MessageParser?)") return False return True app = Sanic("capybara") app.ctx.input_controller = InputController() app.static("app", "frontend/dist/", resource_type="dir") @app.websocket("/gateway") async def gateway(req, ws): while True: app.ctx.input_controller.process_message(await ws.recv()) def main():'', port=4003, access_log=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main()