/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events */ /* eslint-disable react/prop-types */ import React, { useState, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useCallback, useRef, } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import './RoomViewContent.scss'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import dateFormat from 'dateformat'; import initMatrix from '../../../client/initMatrix'; import cons from '../../../client/state/cons'; import navigation from '../../../client/state/navigation'; import { openProfileViewer } from '../../../client/action/navigation'; import { diffMinutes, isInSameDay, Throttle, getScrollInfo, } from '../../../util/common'; import Divider from '../../atoms/divider/Divider'; import ScrollView from '../../atoms/scroll/ScrollView'; import { Message, PlaceholderMessage } from '../../molecules/message/Message'; import RoomIntro from '../../molecules/room-intro/RoomIntro'; import TimelineChange from '../../molecules/message/TimelineChange'; import { useStore } from '../../hooks/useStore'; import { useForceUpdate } from '../../hooks/useForceUpdate'; import { parseTimelineChange } from './common'; const DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS = 50; const PAG_LIMIT = 30; const MAX_MSG_DIFF_MINUTES = 5; const PLACEHOLDER_COUNT = 2; const PLACEHOLDERS_HEIGHT = 96 * PLACEHOLDER_COUNT; const SCROLL_TRIGGER_POS = PLACEHOLDERS_HEIGHT * 4; const SMALLEST_MSG_HEIGHT = 32; const PAGES_COUNT = 4; function loadingMsgPlaceholders(key, count = 2) { const pl = []; const genPlaceholders = () => { for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { pl.push(); } return pl; }; return ( {genPlaceholders()} ); } function genRoomIntro(mEvent, roomTimeline) { const mx = initMatrix.matrixClient; const roomTopic = roomTimeline.room.currentState.getStateEvents('m.room.topic')[0]?.getContent().topic; const isDM = initMatrix.roomList.directs.has(roomTimeline.roomId); let avatarSrc = roomTimeline.room.getAvatarUrl(mx.baseUrl, 80, 80, 'crop'); avatarSrc = isDM ? roomTimeline.room.getAvatarFallbackMember()?.getAvatarUrl(mx.baseUrl, 80, 80, 'crop') : avatarSrc; return ( ); } function handleOnClickCapture(e) { const { target, nativeEvent } = e; const userId = target.getAttribute('data-mx-pill'); if (userId) { const roomId = navigation.selectedRoomId; openProfileViewer(userId, roomId); } const spoiler = nativeEvent.composedPath().find((el) => el?.hasAttribute?.('data-mx-spoiler')); if (spoiler) { spoiler.classList.toggle('data-mx-spoiler--visible'); } } function renderEvent(roomTimeline, mEvent, prevMEvent, isFocus = false) { const isBodyOnly = (prevMEvent !== null && prevMEvent.getSender() === mEvent.getSender() && prevMEvent.getType() !== 'm.room.member' && prevMEvent.getType() !== 'm.room.create' && diffMinutes(mEvent.getDate(), prevMEvent.getDate()) <= MAX_MSG_DIFF_MINUTES ); const mDate = mEvent.getDate(); const isToday = isInSameDay(mDate, new Date()); const time = dateFormat(mDate, isToday ? 'hh:MM TT' : 'dd/mm/yyyy'); if (mEvent.getType() === 'm.room.member') { const timelineChange = parseTimelineChange(mEvent); if (timelineChange === null) return
; return ( ); } return ( ); } class TimelineScroll extends EventEmitter { constructor(target) { super(); if (target === null) { throw new Error('Can not initialize TimelineScroll, target HTMLElement in null'); } this.scroll = target; this.backwards = false; this.inTopHalf = false; this.maxEvents = DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS; this.isScrollable = false; this.top = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.height = 0; this.viewHeight = 0; this.topMsg = null; this.bottomMsg = null; this.diff = 0; } scrollToBottom() { const scrollInfo = getScrollInfo(this.scroll); const maxScrollTop = scrollInfo.height - scrollInfo.viewHeight; this._scrollTo(scrollInfo, maxScrollTop); } // restore scroll using previous calc by this._updateTopBottomMsg() and this._calcDiff. tryRestoringScroll() { const scrollInfo = getScrollInfo(this.scroll); let scrollTop = 0; const ot = this.inTopHalf ? this.topMsg?.offsetTop : this.bottomMsg?.offsetTop; if (!ot) scrollTop = Math.round(this.height - this.viewHeight); else scrollTop = ot - this.diff; this._scrollTo(scrollInfo, scrollTop); } scrollToIndex(index, offset = 0) { const scrollInfo = getScrollInfo(this.scroll); const msgs = this.scroll.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.children; const offsetTop = msgs[index]?.offsetTop; if (offsetTop === undefined) return; // if msg is already in visible are we don't need to scroll to that if (offsetTop > scrollInfo.top && offsetTop < (scrollInfo.top + scrollInfo.viewHeight)) return; const to = offsetTop - offset; this._scrollTo(scrollInfo, to); } _scrollTo(scrollInfo, scrollTop) { this.scroll.scrollTop = scrollTop; // browser emit 'onscroll' event only if the 'element.scrollTop' value changes. // so here we flag that the upcoming 'onscroll' event is // emitted as side effect of assigning 'this.scroll.scrollTop' above // only if it's changes. // by doing so we prevent this._updateCalc() from calc again. if (scrollTop !== this.top) { this.scrolledByCode = true; } const sInfo = { ...scrollInfo }; const maxScrollTop = scrollInfo.height - scrollInfo.viewHeight; sInfo.top = (scrollTop > maxScrollTop) ? maxScrollTop : scrollTop; this._updateCalc(sInfo); } // we maintain reference of top and bottom messages // to restore the scroll position when // messages gets removed from either end and added to other. _updateTopBottomMsg() { const msgs = this.scroll.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.children; const lMsgIndex = msgs.length - 1; this.topMsg = msgs[0]?.className === 'ph-msg' ? msgs[PLACEHOLDER_COUNT] : msgs[0]; this.bottomMsg = msgs[lMsgIndex]?.className === 'ph-msg' ? msgs[lMsgIndex - PLACEHOLDER_COUNT] : msgs[lMsgIndex]; } // we calculate the difference between first/last message and current scrollTop. // if we are going above we calc diff between first and scrollTop // else otherwise. // NOTE: This will help to restore the scroll when msgs get's removed // from one end and added to other end _calcDiff(scrollInfo) { if (!this.topMsg || !this.bottomMsg) return 0; if (this.inTopHalf) { return this.topMsg.offsetTop - scrollInfo.top; } return this.bottomMsg.offsetTop - scrollInfo.top; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this _calcMaxEvents(scrollInfo) { return Math.round(scrollInfo.viewHeight / SMALLEST_MSG_HEIGHT) * PAGES_COUNT; } _updateCalc(scrollInfo) { const halfViewHeight = Math.round(scrollInfo.viewHeight / 2); const scrollMiddle = scrollInfo.top + halfViewHeight; const lastMiddle = this.top + halfViewHeight; this.backwards = scrollMiddle < lastMiddle; this.inTopHalf = scrollMiddle < scrollInfo.height / 2; this.isScrollable = scrollInfo.isScrollable; this.top = scrollInfo.top; this.bottom = scrollInfo.height - (scrollInfo.top + scrollInfo.viewHeight); this.height = scrollInfo.height; // only calculate maxEvents if viewHeight change if (this.viewHeight !== scrollInfo.viewHeight) { this.maxEvents = this._calcMaxEvents(scrollInfo); this.viewHeight = scrollInfo.viewHeight; } this._updateTopBottomMsg(); this.diff = this._calcDiff(scrollInfo); } calcScroll() { if (this.scrolledByCode) { this.scrolledByCode = false; return; } const scrollInfo = getScrollInfo(this.scroll); this._updateCalc(scrollInfo); this.emit('scroll', this.backwards); } } let timelineScroll = null; let jumpToItemIndex = -1; const throttle = new Throttle(); const limit = { from: 0, getMaxEvents() { return timelineScroll?.maxEvents ?? DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS; }, getEndIndex() { return this.from + this.getMaxEvents(); }, calcNextFrom(backwards, tLength) { let newFrom = backwards ? this.from - PAG_LIMIT : this.from + PAG_LIMIT; if (!backwards && newFrom + this.getMaxEvents() > tLength) { newFrom = tLength - this.getMaxEvents(); } if (newFrom < 0) newFrom = 0; return newFrom; }, setFrom(from) { if (from < 0) { this.from = 0; return; } this.from = from; }, }; function useTimeline(roomTimeline, eventId, readEventStore) { const [timelineInfo, setTimelineInfo] = useState(null); const setEventTimeline = async (eId) => { if (typeof eId === 'string') { const isLoaded = await roomTimeline.loadEventTimeline(eId); if (isLoaded) return; // if eventTimeline failed to load, // we will load live timeline as fallback. } roomTimeline.loadLiveTimeline(); }; useEffect(() => { const initTimeline = (eId) => { // NOTICE: eId can be id of readUpto, reply or specific event. // readUpTo: when user click jump to unread message button. // reply: when user click reply from timeline. // specific event when user open a link of event. behave same as ^^^^ const readUpToId = roomTimeline.getReadUpToEventId(); let focusEventIndex = -1; const isSpecificEvent = eId && eId !== readUpToId; if (isSpecificEvent) { focusEventIndex = roomTimeline.getEventIndex(eId); } else if (!readEventStore.getItem()) { // either opening live timeline or jump to unread. focusEventIndex = roomTimeline.getUnreadEventIndex(readUpToId); if (roomTimeline.hasEventInTimeline(readUpToId)) { readEventStore.setItem(roomTimeline.findEventByIdInTimelineSet(readUpToId)); } } else { focusEventIndex = roomTimeline.getUnreadEventIndex(readEventStore.getItem().getId()); } if (focusEventIndex > -1) { limit.setFrom(focusEventIndex - Math.round(limit.getMaxEvents() / 2)); } else { limit.setFrom(roomTimeline.timeline.length - limit.getMaxEvents()); } setTimelineInfo({ focusEventId: isSpecificEvent ? eId : null }); }; roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.READY, initTimeline); setEventTimeline(eventId); return () => { roomTimeline.removeListener(cons.events.roomTimeline.READY, initTimeline); roomTimeline.removeInternalListeners(); limit.setFrom(0); }; }, [roomTimeline, eventId]); return timelineInfo; } function usePaginate(roomTimeline, readEventStore, forceUpdateLimit) { const [info, setInfo] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const handleOnPagination = (backwards, loaded) => { if (loaded === 0) return; if (!readEventStore.getItem()) { const readUpToId = roomTimeline.getReadUpToEventId(); readEventStore.setItem(roomTimeline.findEventByIdInTimelineSet(readUpToId)); } limit.setFrom(limit.calcNextFrom(backwards, roomTimeline.timeline.length)); setTimeout(() => setInfo({ backwards, loaded, })); }; roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.PAGINATED, handleOnPagination); return () => { roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.PAGINATED, handleOnPagination); }; }, [roomTimeline]); const autoPaginate = useCallback(async () => { if (roomTimeline.isOngoingPagination) return; const tLength = roomTimeline.timeline.length; if (timelineScroll.bottom < SCROLL_TRIGGER_POS) { if (limit.getEndIndex() < tLength) { // paginate from memory limit.setFrom(limit.calcNextFrom(false, tLength)); forceUpdateLimit(); } else if (roomTimeline.canPaginateForward()) { // paginate from server. await roomTimeline.paginateTimeline(false, PAG_LIMIT); return; } } if (timelineScroll.top < SCROLL_TRIGGER_POS) { if (limit.from > 0) { // paginate from memory limit.setFrom(limit.calcNextFrom(true, tLength)); forceUpdateLimit(); } else if (roomTimeline.canPaginateBackward()) { // paginate from server. await roomTimeline.paginateTimeline(true, PAG_LIMIT); } } }, [roomTimeline]); return [info, autoPaginate]; } function useHandleScroll(roomTimeline, autoPaginate, readEventStore, forceUpdateLimit) { const handleScroll = useCallback(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { // emit event to toggle scrollToBottom button visibility const isAtBottom = ( timelineScroll.bottom < 16 && !roomTimeline.canPaginateForward() && limit.getEndIndex() >= roomTimeline.timeline.length ); roomTimeline.emit(cons.events.roomTimeline.AT_BOTTOM, isAtBottom); if (isAtBottom && readEventStore.getItem()) { requestAnimationFrame(() => roomTimeline.markAllAsRead()); } }); autoPaginate(); }, [roomTimeline]); const handleScrollToLive = useCallback(() => { if (readEventStore.getItem()) { requestAnimationFrame(() => roomTimeline.markAllAsRead()); } if (roomTimeline.isServingLiveTimeline()) { limit.setFrom(roomTimeline.timeline.length - limit.getMaxEvents()); timelineScroll.scrollToBottom(); forceUpdateLimit(); return; } roomTimeline.loadLiveTimeline(); }, [roomTimeline]); return [handleScroll, handleScrollToLive]; } function useEventArrive(roomTimeline, readEventStore) { const myUserId = initMatrix.matrixClient.getUserId(); const [newEvent, setEvent] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const sendReadReceipt = (event) => { if (event.isSending()) return; if (myUserId === event.getSender()) { roomTimeline.markAllAsRead(); return; } const readUpToEvent = readEventStore.getItem(); const readUpToId = roomTimeline.getReadUpToEventId(); // if user doesn't have focus on app don't mark messages as read. if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden' || timelineScroll.bottom >= 16) { if (readUpToEvent === readUpToId) return; readEventStore.setItem(roomTimeline.findEventByIdInTimelineSet(readUpToId)); return; } // user has not mark room as read const isUnreadMsg = readUpToEvent?.getId() === readUpToId; if (!isUnreadMsg) { roomTimeline.markAllAsRead(); } const { timeline } = roomTimeline; const unreadMsgIsLast = timeline[timeline.length - 2].getId() === readUpToEvent?.getId(); if (unreadMsgIsLast) { roomTimeline.markAllAsRead(); } }; const handleEvent = (event) => { const tLength = roomTimeline.timeline.length; const isUserViewingLive = ( roomTimeline.isServingLiveTimeline() && limit.getEndIndex() >= tLength - 1 && timelineScroll.bottom < SCROLL_TRIGGER_POS ); if (isUserViewingLive) { limit.setFrom(tLength - limit.getMaxEvents()); sendReadReceipt(event); setEvent(event); return; } const isRelates = (event.getType() === 'm.reaction' || event.getRelation()?.rel_type === 'm.replace'); if (isRelates) { setEvent(event); return; } const isUserDitchedLive = ( roomTimeline.isServingLiveTimeline() && limit.getEndIndex() >= tLength - 1 ); if (isUserDitchedLive) { // This stateUpdate will help to put the // loading msg placeholder at bottom setEvent(event); } }; const handleEventRedact = (event) => setEvent(event); roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.EVENT, handleEvent); roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.EVENT_REDACTED, handleEventRedact); return () => { roomTimeline.removeListener(cons.events.roomTimeline.EVENT, handleEvent); roomTimeline.removeListener(cons.events.roomTimeline.EVENT_REDACTED, handleEventRedact); }; }, [roomTimeline]); useEffect(() => { if (!roomTimeline.initialized) return; if (timelineScroll.bottom < 16 && !roomTimeline.canPaginateForward() && document.visibilityState === 'visible') { timelineScroll.scrollToBottom(); } else { timelineScroll.tryRestoringScroll(); } }, [newEvent, roomTimeline]); } function RoomViewContent({ eventId, roomTimeline }) { const timelineSVRef = useRef(null); const readEventStore = useStore(roomTimeline); const timelineInfo = useTimeline(roomTimeline, eventId, readEventStore); const [onLimitUpdate, forceUpdateLimit] = useForceUpdate(); const [paginateInfo, autoPaginate] = usePaginate(roomTimeline, readEventStore, forceUpdateLimit); const [handleScroll, handleScrollToLive] = useHandleScroll( roomTimeline, autoPaginate, readEventStore, forceUpdateLimit, ); useEventArrive(roomTimeline, readEventStore); const { timeline } = roomTimeline; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!roomTimeline.initialized) { timelineScroll = new TimelineScroll(timelineSVRef.current); } }); // when active timeline changes useEffect(() => { if (!roomTimeline.initialized) return undefined; if (timeline.length > 0) { if (jumpToItemIndex === -1) { timelineScroll.scrollToBottom(); } else { timelineScroll.scrollToIndex(jumpToItemIndex, 80); } if (timelineScroll.bottom < 16 && !roomTimeline.canPaginateForward()) { const readUpToId = roomTimeline.getReadUpToEventId(); if (readEventStore.getItem()?.getId() === readUpToId || readUpToId === null) { requestAnimationFrame(() => roomTimeline.markAllAsRead()); } } jumpToItemIndex = -1; } autoPaginate(); timelineScroll.on('scroll', handleScroll); roomTimeline.on(cons.events.roomTimeline.SCROLL_TO_LIVE, handleScrollToLive); return () => { if (timelineSVRef.current === null) return; timelineScroll.removeListener('scroll', handleScroll); roomTimeline.removeListener(cons.events.roomTimeline.SCROLL_TO_LIVE, handleScrollToLive); }; }, [timelineInfo]); // when paginating from server useEffect(() => { if (!roomTimeline.initialized) return; timelineScroll.tryRestoringScroll(); autoPaginate(); }, [paginateInfo]); // when paginating locally useEffect(() => { if (!roomTimeline.initialized) return; timelineScroll.tryRestoringScroll(); }, [onLimitUpdate]); const handleTimelineScroll = (event) => { const { target } = event; if (!target) return; throttle._(() => timelineScroll?.calcScroll(), 400)(target); }; const renderTimeline = () => { const tl = []; let itemCountIndex = 0; jumpToItemIndex = -1; const readEvent = readEventStore.getItem(); let unreadDivider = false; if (roomTimeline.canPaginateBackward() || limit.from > 0) { tl.push(loadingMsgPlaceholders(1, PLACEHOLDER_COUNT)); itemCountIndex += PLACEHOLDER_COUNT; } for (let i = limit.from; i < limit.getEndIndex(); i += 1) { if (i >= timeline.length) break; const mEvent = timeline[i]; const prevMEvent = timeline[i - 1] ?? null; if (i === 0 && !roomTimeline.canPaginateBackward()) { if (mEvent.getType() === 'm.room.create') { tl.push(genRoomIntro(mEvent, roomTimeline)); itemCountIndex += 1; // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue continue; } else { tl.push(genRoomIntro(undefined, roomTimeline)); itemCountIndex += 1; } } let isNewEvent = false; if (!unreadDivider) { unreadDivider = (readEvent && prevMEvent?.getTs() <= readEvent.getTs() && readEvent.getTs() < mEvent.getTs()); if (unreadDivider) { isNewEvent = true; tl.push(); itemCountIndex += 1; if (jumpToItemIndex === -1) jumpToItemIndex = itemCountIndex; } } const dayDivider = prevMEvent && !isInSameDay(mEvent.getDate(), prevMEvent.getDate()); if (dayDivider) { tl.push(); itemCountIndex += 1; } const focusId = timelineInfo.focusEventId; const isFocus = focusId === mEvent.getId(); if (isFocus) jumpToItemIndex = itemCountIndex; tl.push(renderEvent(roomTimeline, mEvent, isNewEvent ? null : prevMEvent, isFocus)); itemCountIndex += 1; } if (roomTimeline.canPaginateForward() || limit.getEndIndex() < timeline.length) { tl.push(loadingMsgPlaceholders(2, PLACEHOLDER_COUNT)); } return tl; }; return (
{ roomTimeline.initialized ? renderTimeline() : loadingMsgPlaceholders('loading', 3) }
); } RoomViewContent.defaultProps = { eventId: null, }; RoomViewContent.propTypes = { eventId: PropTypes.string, roomTimeline: PropTypes.shape({}).isRequired, }; export default RoomViewContent;