import gateway, { GatewayEventType, GatewayPayloadType, GatewayPresenceStatus } from "./gateway"; import logger from "./logging"; import request from "./request"; import { apiRoute, getItem, setItem } from "./storage"; const storeLog = logger("Store"); class Store { constructor(value=null, name="[no name]") { this._handlers = []; this.value = value; = name; } // like subscribe, but without initially calling the handler watch(handler) { const handlerIndex = this._handlers.push(handler) - 1; return () => { this._handlers.splice(handlerIndex, 1); }; } subscribe(handler) { const handlerIndex = this._handlers.push(handler) - 1; storeLog(`(${}) (subscribe/initial)`, this.value); handler(this.value); return () => { this._handlers.splice(handlerIndex, 1); }; } set(value) { if (value === this.value) return; this.value = value; this.updated(); } // like set(), but without checking if the value is the same update(value) { this.value = value; this.updated(); } updated() { storeLog(`(${}) (updated) Calling all (${this._handlers.length}) handlers`, this.value); for (let i = this._handlers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._handlers[i](this.value); } } } class StorageItemStore extends Store { constructor(key) { super(getItem(key), `StorageItemStore[key=${key}]`); => setItem(key, e)); } } class ChannelsStore extends Store { constructor() { super(gateway.channels || [], "ChannelsStore"); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.Ready, ({ channels }) => { this.value = channels; if (getItem("ui:stateful:presistSelectedChannel")) { = getItem("state:openChannelId"); } if (channels.length >= 1) { if (!selectedChannel.value || === -1) { selectedChannel.set(channels[0]); } else { // if a channel id is already selected, we'll populate it with the data we just got from the gateway const index = this.value.findIndex(e => ===; if (index !== -1) selectedChannel.set(this.value[index]); else // if the channel doesn't exist, just select the first one selectedChannel.set(channels[0]); } } this.updated(); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.ChannelCreate, (channel) => { this.value.push(channel); this.updated(); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.ChannelDelete, ({ id }) => { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === id); if (index === -1) return; this.value.splice(index, 1); this.updated(); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.ChannelUpdate, (data) => { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => ===; if (index === -1) return; if (!this.value[index]) return; this.value[index] = data; this.updated(); }); } } class GatewayStatusStore extends Store { constructor() { super({ ready: gateway.authenticated }, "GatewayStatusStore"); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.Close, () => { this.value.ready = false; this.updated(); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.Ready, () => { this.value.ready = true; this.updated(); }); } } class UserInfoStore extends Store { constructor() { super(null, "UserInfoStore"); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.Ready, ({ user }) => { this.value = user; this.updated(); }); } } class MessageStore extends Store { constructor(channelId) { super([], `MessageStore[channelId=${channelId}]`); this.channelId = channelId; this.isCollectingOldMessages = true; this.didDoInitialLoad = false; } setMessage(id, message) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === id); if (index === -1) return; this.value[index] = message; this.updated(); } addMessage(message) { if (message.optimistic_id) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === message.optimistic_id); if (index !== -1) { this.value[index] = message; this.updated(); return; } } this.value.push(message); // only dispatch update if collectOldMessages didn't if (!this.collectOldMessages()) { this.updated(); } } updateId(oldId, newId) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === oldId); if (index === -1) return; this.value[index].id = newId; this.updated(); } updateMessage(message) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => ===; if (index === -1) return; this.value[index] = message; this.updated(); } deleteMessage({ id }) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === id); if (index === -1) return; this.value.splice(index, 1); this.updated(); } collectOldMessages() { if (!this.isCollectingOldMessages) return false; const target = 50; const delta = this.value.length - target; if (delta >= 1) { this.value.splice(0, delta); this.updated(); return true; } else { return false; } } setIsCollectingOldMessages(isCollectingOldMessages) { this.isCollectingOldMessages = isCollectingOldMessages; this.collectOldMessages(); } async loadOlderMessages(beforeCommitToStore=null) { if (!getItem("ui:online:loadMessageHistory") || this.channelId === -1) return; const oldestMessage = this.value[0]; const endpoint = oldestMessage ? `channels/${this.channelId}/messages/?before=${}` : `channels/${this.channelId}/messages`; const res = await request("GET", apiRoute(endpoint), true, null); if (res.success && res.ok && res.json) { if (res.json.length < 1) return; if (beforeCommitToStore) beforeCommitToStore(res.json); res.json.reverse(); this.value = res.json.concat(this.value); this.updated(); } else { overlayStore.toast("Messages failed to load"); } } async doInitialLoad() { if (this.channelId === -1 || !getItem("auth:token") || getItem("auth:token").length < 1) return; await this.loadOlderMessages(); this.didDoInitialLoad = true; } } class MessagesStoreProvider { constructor() { this.storeByChannel = new Map(); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.MessageCreate, (message) => { const store = this.getStoreOrNull(message.channel_id); if (store) store.addMessage(message); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.MessageUpdate, (message) => { const store = this.getStoreOrNull(message.channel_id); if (store) store.updateMessage(message); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.MessageDelete, (message) => { const store = this.getStoreOrNull(message.channel_id); if (store) store.deleteMessage(message); }); } getStoreOrNull(channelId) { return this.storeByChannel.get(channelId); } getStore(channelId) { if (!this.storeByChannel.get(channelId)) { const store = new MessageStore(channelId); store.doInitialLoad(); this.storeByChannel.set(channelId, store); } return this.storeByChannel.get(channelId); } } export const OverlayType = { CreateChannel: 0, EditChannel: 1, Toast: 2, Login: 3, CreateAccount: 4, EditMessage: 5, Settings: 6, Prompt: 7, }; class OverlayStore extends Store { constructor() { super([], "OverlayStore"); } push(type, props={}) { const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999999); props = { ...props, close: () => { this.popId(id); } } this.value.push({ type, props, id }); this.updated(); } pop() { this.value.pop(); this.updated(); } popType(type) { for (let i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.value[i].type === type) { this.value.splice(i, 1); this.updated(); return; } } } popId(id) { for (let i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.value[i].id === id) { this.value.splice(i, 1); this.updated(); return; } } } toast(message) { this.push(OverlayType.Toast, { message }); } } class TypingStore extends Store { constructor() { super([], "TypingStore"); this.timeouts = new Map(); this.ownTimeout = null; this.ownNeedsUpdate = true; if (getItem("ui:online:processRemoteTypingEvents")) { gateway.subscribe(GatewayPayloadType.TypingStart, ({ user, channel, time }) => { if (userInfoStore && === return; this.startedTyping(user,, time); }); // assume someone has stopped typing once they send a message gateway.subscribe(GatewayPayloadType.MessageCreate, ({ author_id }) => { this.stoppedTyping(author_id); }); } } stoppedTyping(id) { const index = this.value.findIndex(e => === id); this.value.splice(index, 1); if (this.timeouts.get(id)) { clearTimeout(this.timeouts.get(id)); this.timeouts.delete(id); } if (userInfoStore.value && id === { clearTimeout(this.ownTimeout); this.ownTimeout = null; this.ownNeedsUpdate = true; } this.updated(); } startedTyping(user, channelId, time) { if (this.timeouts.get( { clearTimeout(this.timeouts.get(; } this.timeouts.set(, setTimeout(() => { this.stoppedTyping(; }, time)); if (userInfoStore.value && === && !this.ownTimeout) { this.ownTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.ownNeedsUpdate = true; this.ownTimeout = null; }, time); } const index = this.value.findIndex(e => ===; if (index === -1) { this.value.push({ user, channelId }); this.updated(); } else if (this.value[index].channelId !== channelId) { // user just switched the channel they're typing in this.value[index].channelId = channelId; this.updated(); } } async didInputKey() { if (!userInfoStore.value || !getItem("ui:online:sendTypingUpdates")) return; this.startedTyping(userInfoStore.value,, 6500); if (this.ownNeedsUpdate) { this.ownNeedsUpdate = false; await request("POST", apiRoute(`channels/${}/typing`), true, {}); } } } class PresenceStore extends Store { constructor() { super([], "PresenceStore"); if (getItem("ui:online:processRemotePresenceEvents")) { gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.Ready, ({ presence }) => { this.ingestPresenceUpdate(presence); }); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.PresenceUpdate, (data) => { this.ingestPresenceUpdate(data); }); } } entryIndexByUserId(userId) { return this.value.findIndex(a => === userId); } ingestPresenceUpdate(payload) { payload.forEach((entry) => { const existingEntry = this.entryIndexByUserId(; if (existingEntry !== -1 && entry.status === GatewayPresenceStatus.Offline) { this.value.splice(existingEntry, 1); } else if (existingEntry !== -1 && entry.status !== GatewayPresenceStatus.Offline) { this.value[existingEntry] = entry; } else { // don't need to push the status, since we remove offline members from the presence list this.value.push({ user: entry.user }); } }); this.updated(); } } class UnreadStore extends Store { constructor() { super(new Map(), "UnreadStore"); gateway.subscribe(GatewayEventType.MessageCreate, ({ channel_id: channelId }) => { if ( !== channelId || window.document.visibilityState !== "visible") { this.value.set(channelId, (this.value.get(channelId) || 0) + 1); this.updated(); } }); selectedChannel.subscribe(({ id }) => { this.value.delete(id); this.updated(); }); window.document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { if (window.document.visibilityState === "visible" && selectedChannel.value) { this.value.delete(; this.updated(); } }); } } export const selectedChannel = new Store({ id: -1, name: "none", creator_id: -1 }, "selectedChannel"); export const showSidebar = new Store(true, "showSidebar"); export const showPresenceSidebar = new Store(false, "showPresenceSidebar"); export const smallViewport = new Store(false, "smallViewport"); export const showChannelView = new Store(true, "showChannelView"); export const theme = new StorageItemStore("ui:theme"); export const doAnimations = new StorageItemStore("ui:doAnimations"); export const channels = new ChannelsStore(); export const gatewayStatus = new GatewayStatusStore(); export const messagesStoreProvider = new MessagesStoreProvider(); export const userInfoStore = new UserInfoStore(); export const overlayStore = new OverlayStore(); export const typingStore = new TypingStore(); export const presenceStore = new PresenceStore(); export const unreadStore = new UnreadStore(); export const setMessageInputEvent = new Store(null, "event:setMessageInput"); export const allStores = { selectedChannel, showSidebar, showPresenceSidebar, smallViewport, showChannelView, theme, doAnimations, channels, gatewayStatus, messagesStoreProvider, userInfoStore, overlayStore, typingStore, presenceStore, unreadStore, setMessageInputEvent, }; => { if (getItem("ui:stateful:presistSelectedChannel")) { setItem("state:openChannelId",; } }); unreadStore.subscribe(() => { let totalUnreads = 0; unreadStore.value.forEach(count => totalUnreads += count); if (totalUnreads > 0) { window.document.title = `(${totalUnreads}) waffle`; } else { window.document.title = "waffle"; } });