2021-07-30 14:23:38 +02:00

1109 lines
38 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 470ac86..6688a58 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ config.h:
$(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $<
-st.o: config.h st.h win.h
+st.o: config.h st.h win.h normalMode.h normalMode.c utils.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
$(OBJ): config.h
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 6f05dce..16cb5e1 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -131,6 +131,21 @@ unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
+unsigned int const currentBg = 6, buffSize = 2048;
+/// Enable double / triple click yanking / selection of word / line.
+int const mouseYank = 1, mouseSelect = 0;
+/// [Vim Browse] Colors for search results currently on screen.
+unsigned int const highlightBg = 160, highlightFg = 15;
+char const wDelS[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~", wDelL[] = " \t";
+char *nmKeys [] = { ///< Shortcusts executed in normal mode
+ "R/Building\nN", "r/Building\n", "X/juli@machine\nN", "x/juli@machine\n",
+ "Q?[Leaving vim, starting execution]\n","F/: error:\nN", "f/: error:\n", "DQf"
+unsigned int const amountNmKeys = sizeof(nmKeys) / sizeof(*nmKeys);
+/// Style of the {command, search} string shown in the right corner (y,v,V,/)
+Glyph styleSearch = {' ', ATTR_ITALIC | ATTR_BOLD_FAINT, 7, 16};
+Glyph style[] = {{' ',ATTR_ITALIC|ATTR_FAINT,15,16}, {' ',ATTR_ITALIC,232,11},
+ {' ', ATTR_ITALIC, 232, 4}, {' ', ATTR_ITALIC, 232, 12}};
* Default shape of cursor
@@ -199,6 +214,7 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_c, normalMode, {.i = 0} },
diff --git a/normalMode.c b/normalMode.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c7e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/normalMode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
+#include "normalMode.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+extern Glyph const styleSearch, style[];
+extern char const wDelS[], wDelL[], *nmKeys[];
+extern unsigned int bg[], fg, currentBg, highlightBg, highlightFg, amountNmKeys;
+typedef struct { int p[3]; } Pos;
+typedef enum {visual='v', visualLine='V', yank = 'y'} Op;
+typedef enum {infix_none=0, infix_i='i', infix_a='a'} Infix;
+typedef enum {fw='/', bw='?'} Search;
+struct NormalModeState {
+ struct OperationState { Op op; Infix infix; } cmd;
+ struct MotionState { uint32_t c; int active; Pos searchPos; Search search; } m;
+} defaultNormalMode, state;
+DynamicArray searchStr=UTF8_ARRAY, cCmd=UTF8_ARRAY, lCmd=UTF8_ARRAY;
+Glyph styleCmd;
+char posBuffer[10], braces[6][3] = { {"()"}, {"<>"}, {"{}"}, {"[]"}, {"\"\""}, {"''"}};
+int exited=1, overlay=1;
+static inline Rune cChar() { return term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].u; }
+static inline int pos(int p, int h) {return IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)?p:rangeY(p+h*histOff-insertOff);}
+static inline int contains(Rune l, char const * values, size_t const memSize) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < memSize; ++i) if (l == values[i]) return 1;
+ return 0;
+static inline void decodeTo(char const *cs, size_t len, DynamicArray *arr) {
+ char *var = expand(arr);
+ if (!var) empty(arr); else utf8decode(cs, (Rune*)(var), len);
+static inline void applyPos(Pos p) {
+ term.c.x = p.p[0], term.c.y = p.p[1];
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) && histOp) term.line = &buf[histOff = p.p[2]];
+/// Find string in history buffer, and provide string-match-lookup for highlighting matches
+static int highlighted(int x, int y) {
+ int const s=term.row*term.col, i=y*term.col+x, sz=size(&searchStr);
+ return sz && i<s && mark[i]!=sz && i+mark[i]<s && !mark[i+mark[i]];
+static void markSearchMatches(int all) {
+ int sz = size(&searchStr), ox = 0, oy = 0, oi=0;
+ for (int y=0; sz && all && y<term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x) term.dirty[y] |= highlighted(x, y);
+ for (int y = 0, wi=0, owi=0, i=0; sz && y < term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x, wi%=sz, ++i, owi=wi)
+ if (all || term.dirty[y]) {
+ mark[i]=sz-(wi=(getU32(&searchStr,wi,1)==term.line[y][x].u?wi+1:0));
+ if (wi==1) ox=x, oy=y, oi=i; else if (!wi && owi) x=ox, y=oy, i=oi;
+ }
+ for (int y=0; sz &&all &&y<term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x) term.dirty[y] |= highlighted(x, y);
+static int findString(int s, int all) {
+ Pos p = (Pos) {.p={term.c.x, term.c.y, IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? 0 : histOff}};
+ historyMove(s, 0, 0);
+ uint32_t strSz=size(&searchStr), maxIter=rows()*term.col+strSz, wIdx=0;
+ for (uint32_t i=0, wi = 0; wIdx<strSz && ++i<=maxIter; historyMove(s, 0, 0), wi=wIdx) {
+ wIdx = (getU32(&searchStr, wIdx, s>0)==cChar())?wIdx+1:0;
+ if (wi && !wIdx) historyMove(-(int)(s*wi), 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (wIdx == strSz && wIdx) historyMove(-(int)(s*strSz), 0, 0);
+ else applyPos(p);
+ markSearchMatches(all);
+ return wIdx == strSz;
+/// Execute series of normal-mode commands from char array / decoded from dynamic array
+ExitState pressKeys(char const* s, size_t e) {
+ ExitState x=success;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<e && (x=(!s[i] ? x : kPressHist(&s[i], 1, 0, NULL))); ++i);
+ return x;
+static ExitState executeCommand(uint32_t *cs, size_t z) {
+ ExitState x=success;
+ char dc [32];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<z && (x=kPressHist(dc, utf8encode(cs[i],dc),0,NULL));++i);
+ return x;
+/// Get character for overlay, if the overlay (st) has something to show, else normal char.
+static void getChar(DynamicArray *st, Glyph *glyphChange, int y, int xEnd, int width, int x) {
+ if (x < xEnd - min(min(width,xEnd), size(st))) *glyphChange = term.line[y][x];
+ else if (x<xEnd) glyphChange->u = *((Rune*)(st->content + (size(st)+x-xEnd)*st->elSize));
+/// Expand "infix" expression: for instance (w =>) l b | | v e | | y
+static ExitState expandExpression(char l) { // ({ =>) l ? { \n | l | v / } \n | h | y
+ int a=state.cmd.infix==infix_a, yank=state.cmd.op=='y', lc=tolower(l), found=1;
+ state.cmd.infix = infix_none;
+ if(!yank && state.cmd.op!=visual && state.cmd.op!=visualLine) return failed;
+ char mot[11] = {'l', 0, 'b', 0, 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 0, (char)(yank ? 'y' : 0)};
+ if (lc == 'w') mot[2] = (char) ('b' - lc + l), mot[7] = (char) ((a ? 'w' : 'e') - lc + l), mot[9]=(char)(a?'h':0);
+ else {
+ mot[1]='?', mot[3]=mot[8]='\n', mot[6]='/', mot[4]=(char)(a?0:'l'), mot[9]=(char)(a?0:'h');
+ for (int i=found=0; !found && i < 6; ++i)
+ if ((found=contains(l,braces[i],2))) mot[2]=braces[i][0], mot[7]=braces[i][1];
+ }
+ if (!found) return failed;
+ assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ state.cmd = defaultNormalMode.cmd;
+ return pressKeys(mot, 11);
+ExitState executeMotion(char const cs, KeySym const *const ks) {
+ state.m.c = state.m.c < 1u ? 1u : state.m.c;
+ if (ks && *ks == XK_d) historyMove(0, 0, term.row / 2);
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_u) historyMove(0, 0, -term.row / 2);
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_f) historyMove(0, 0, term.row-1+(term.c.y=0));
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_b) historyMove(0, 0, -(term.c.y=term.row-1));
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_h) overlay = !overlay;
+ else if (cs == 'K') historyMove(0, 0, -(int)state.m.c);
+ else if (cs == 'J') historyMove(0, 0, (int)state.m.c);
+ else if (cs == 'k') historyMove(0, -(int)state.m.c, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'j') historyMove(0, (int)state.m.c, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'h') historyMove(-(int)state.m.c, 0, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'l') historyMove( (int)state.m.c, 0, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'H') term.c.y = 0;
+ else if (cs == 'M') term.c.y = / 2;
+ else if (cs == 'L') term.c.y =;
+ else if (cs == 's' || cs == 'S') altToggle = cs == 's' ? !altToggle : 1;
+ else if (cs == 'G' || cs == 'g') {
+ if (cs == 'G') term.c = c[0] = c[IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)+1];
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)) term.line = &buf[histOff=insertOff];
+ } else if (cs == '0') term.c.x = 0;
+ else if (cs == '$') term.c.x = term.col-1;
+ else if (cs == 't') sel.type = sel.type==SEL_REGULAR ? SEL_RECTANGULAR : SEL_REGULAR;
+ else if (cs == 'n' || cs == 'N') {
+ int const d = ((cs=='N')!=(;
+ for (uint32_t i = state.m.c; i && findString(d, 0); --i);
+ } else if (contains(cs, "wWeEbB", 6)) {
+ int const low=cs<=90, off=tolower(cs)!='w', sgn=(tolower(cs)=='b')?-1:1;
+ size_t const l=strlen(wDelL), s=strlen(wDelS), maxIt=rows()*term.col;
+ for (int it=0, on=0; state.m.c > 0 && it < maxIt; ++it) {
+ // If an offset is to be performed in beginning or not in beginning, move in history.
+ if ((off || it) && historyMove(sgn, 0, 0)) break;
+ // Determine if the category of the current letter changed since last iteration.
+ int n = 1<<(contains(cChar(),wDelS,s) ?(2-low) :!contains(cChar(),wDelL,l)),
+ found = (on|=n)^n && ((off ?on^n :n)!=1);
+ // If a reverse offset is to be performed and this is the last letter:
+ if (found && off) historyMove(-sgn, 0, 0);
+ // Terminate iteration: reset #it and old n value #on and decrease operation count:
+ if (found) it=-1, on=0, --state.m.c;
+ }
+ } else return failed;
+ state.m.c = 0;
+ return state.cmd.op == yank ? exitMotion : success;
+ExitState kPressHist(char const *cs, size_t len, int ctrl, KeySym const *kSym) {
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ int const prevYOff=IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)?0:histOff,,
+ prevAltToggle=altToggle, prevOverlay=overlay;
+ int const noOp=!state.cmd.op&&!state.cmd.infix, num=len==1&&BETWEEN(cs[0],48,57),
+ esc=kSym&&*kSym==XK_Escape, ret=(kSym&&*kSym==XK_Return)||(len==1&&cs[0]=='\n'),
+ quantifier=num&&(cs[0]!='0'||state.m.c), ins=!search &&noOp &&len &&cs[0]=='i';
+ exited = 0;
+ ExitState result = success;
+ if (esc || ret || ins) { result = exitMotion, len = 0;
+ } else if (kSym && *kSym == XK_BackSpace) {
+ if ((search || state.m.c) && size(&cCmd)) pop(&cCmd);
+ if (search) {
+ if (size(&searchStr)) pop(&searchStr);
+ else result = exitMotion;
+ if (!size(&searchStr)) tfulldirt();
+ applyPos(state.m.searchPos);
+ findString( ? 1 : -1, 1);
+ } else if (state.m.c) state.m.c /= 10;
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (search) {
+ if (len >= 1) decodeTo(cs, len, &searchStr);
+ applyPos(state.m.searchPos);
+ findString( ? 1 : -1, 1);
+ } else if (len == 0) { result = failed;
+ } else if (quantifier) { state.m.c = min(SHRT_MAX, (int)state.m.c*10+cs[0]-48);
+ } else if (state.cmd.infix && state.cmd.op && (result = expandExpression(cs[0]), len=0)) {
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'd') { state = defaultNormalMode; result = exitMotion; = 1;
+ } else if (cs[0] == '.') {
+ if (size(&cCmd)) assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ executeCommand((uint32_t*) lCmd.content, size(&lCmd));
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'r') { tfulldirt();
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'c') {
+ empty(&lCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ empty(&searchStr);
+ tfulldirt();
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (cs[0] == fw || cs[0] == bw) {
+ empty(&searchStr);
+ = (Search) cs[0];
+ state.m.searchPos = (Pos){.p={term.c.x, term.c.y, prevYOff}};
+ = 1;
+ } else if (cs[0]==infix_i || cs[0]==infix_a) { state.cmd.infix=(Infix) cs[0];
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'y') {
+ if (state.cmd.op) {
+ result = (state.cmd.op == yank || state.cmd.op == visualLine) ? exitOp : exitMotion;
+ if (state.cmd.op == yank) selstart(0, term.c.y, 0);
+ } else selstart(term.c.x, term.c.y, 0);
+ state.cmd.op = yank;
+ } else if (cs[0] == visual || cs[0] == visualLine) {
+ if (state.cmd.op != (Op) cs[0]) {
+ state.cmd = defaultNormalMode.cmd;
+ state.cmd.op = (Op) cs[0];
+ selstart(cs[0] == visualLine ?0 :term.c.x, term.c.y, 0);
+ } else result = exitOp;
+ } else if (!(result =executeMotion((char) (len?cs[0]:0), ctrl?kSym:NULL))) {
+ result=failed;
+ for (size_t i = 0; !ctrl && i < amountNmKeys; ++i)
+ if (cs[0]==nmKeys[i][0] &&
+ failed!=(result=pressKeys(&nmKeys[i][1], strlen(nmKeys[i])-1))) goto end;
+ } // Operation/Motion finished if valid: update cmd string, extend selection, update search
+ if (result != failed) {
+ if (len == 1 && !ctrl) decodeTo(cs, len, &cCmd);
+ if ((state.cmd.op == visualLine) || ((state.cmd.op == yank) && (result == exitOp))) {
+ int const off = term.c.y + (IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? 0 : histOff) < sel.ob.y; //< Selection start below end.
+ sel.ob.x = off ? term.col - 1 : 0;
+ selextend(off ? 0 : term.col-1, term.c.y, sel.type, 0);
+ } else if (sel.oe.x != -1) {
+ selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, sel.type, 0);
+ }
+ } // Set repaint for motion or status bar
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) && prevYOff != histOff) tfulldirt();
+ // Terminate Motion / operation if thus indicated
+ if (result == exitMotion) {
+ if (! result = (exited=noOp) ? finish : exitOp;
+ = (int) (state.m.c = 0u);
+ }
+ if (result == exitOp || result == finish) {
+ if (state.cmd.op == yank) {
+ xsetsel(getsel());
+ xclipcopy();
+ }
+ state = defaultNormalMode;
+ selclear();
+ if (!esc) assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ } // Update the content displayed in the history overlay
+ styleCmd = style[state.cmd.op==yank ? 1 : (state.cmd.op==visual ? 2 :
+ (state.cmd.op==visualLine ? 3 :0))];
+ int const posLin = !IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? rangeY(insertOff-histOff):0, h=rows()-term.row;
+ if (!posLin || posLin==h || !h) strcpy(posBuffer, posLin ? " [BOT] " : " [TOP] ");
+ else sprintf(posBuffer, " % 3d%c ", min(100, max(0, (int)(.5 + posLin * 100. / h))),'%');
+ if ((overlay || overlay!=prevOverlay) && term.col>9 && term.row>4) {
+ if (!term.dirty[term.row-1]) xdrawline(term.line[term.row-1], term.col*2/3, term.row-1, term.col-1);
+ if (!term.dirty[term.row-2]) xdrawline(term.line[term.row-2], term.col*2/3, term.row-2, term.col-1);
+ }
+ if (result==finish) altToggle = 0;
+ if (altToggle != prevAltToggle) tswapscreen();
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
+ return result;
+void historyOverlay(int x, int y, Glyph* g) {
+ if (!histMode) return;
+ TCursor const *cHist = histOp ? &term.c : &c[0];
+ if(overlay && term.col > 9 && term.row > 4 && (x > (2*term.col/3)) && (y >= (term.row-2))) {
+ *g = (y == term.row - 2) ? styleSearch : styleCmd;
+ if (y == term.row-2) getChar(&searchStr, g, term.row-2, term.col-2, term.col/3, x);
+ else if (x > term.col - 7) g->u = (Rune)(posBuffer[x - term.col + 7]);
+ else getChar(size(&cCmd) ?&cCmd :&lCmd, g, term.row-1, term.col-7, term.col/3-6, x);
+ } else if (highlighted(x, y)) g->bg = highlightBg, g->fg = highlightFg;
+ else if ((x==cHist->x) ^ (y==cHist->y)) g->bg = currentBg;
+ else if (x==cHist->x) g->mode^=ATTR_REVERSE;
+void historyPreDraw() {
+ static Pos op = {.p={0, 0, 0}};
+ historyOpToggle(1, 0);
+ // Draw the cursor cross if changed
+ if (term.c.y >= term.row || op.p[1] >= term.row) tfulldirt();
+ else if (exited || (op.p[1] != term.c.y)) term.dirty[term.c.y] = term.dirty[op.p[1]] = 1;
+ for (int i=0; (exited || term.c.x != op.p[0]) && i<term.row; ++i) if (!term.dirty[i]) {
+ xdrawline(term.line[i], term.c.x, i, term.c.x + 1);
+ xdrawline(term.line[i], op.p[0], i, op.p[0] + 1);
+ }
+ // Update search results either only for lines with new content or all results if exiting
+ markSearchMatches(exited);
+ op = (Pos){.p = {term.c.x, term.c.y, 0}};
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 0);
diff --git a/normalMode.h b/normalMode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb77484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/normalMode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+void normalMode();
+void historyPreDraw();
+void historyOverlay(int x, int y, Glyph* g);
+void historyModeToggle(int start);
+void historyOpToggle(int, int);
+typedef enum {failed=0, success=1, exitMotion=2, exitOp=3, finish=4} ExitState;
+ExitState kPressHist(char const *txt, size_t len, int ctrl, KeySym const *kSym);
+ExitState pressKeys(char const* s, size_t e);
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 76b7e0d..363f09c 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
+#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
#define ISCONTROLC1(c) (BETWEEN(c, 0x80, 0x9f))
#define ISDELIM(u) (u && wcschr(worddelimiters, u))
+static inline int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
+static inline int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
enum term_mode {
MODE_WRAP = 1 << 0,
@@ -95,6 +98,7 @@ typedef struct {
int mode;
int type;
int snap;
+ int swap;
* Selection variables:
* nb normalized coordinates of the beginning of the selection
@@ -178,7 +182,6 @@ static void tdeleteline(int);
static void tinsertblank(int);
static void tinsertblankline(int);
static int tlinelen(int);
-static void tmoveto(int, int);
static void tmoveato(int, int);
static void tnewline(int);
static void tputtab(int);
@@ -205,7 +208,6 @@ static void drawregion(int, int, int, int);
static void selnormalize(void);
static void selscroll(int, int);
-static void selsnap(int *, int *, int);
static size_t utf8decode(const char *, Rune *, size_t);
static Rune utf8decodebyte(char, size_t *);
@@ -231,6 +233,14 @@ static uchar utfmask[UTF_SIZ + 1] = {0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8};
static Rune utfmin[UTF_SIZ + 1] = { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x800, 0x10000};
static Rune utfmax[UTF_SIZ + 1] = {0x10FFFF, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x10FFFF};
+int buffCols;
+extern int const buffSize;
+int histOp, histMode, histOff, insertOff, altToggle, *mark;
+Line *buf = NULL;
+static TCursor c[3];
+static inline int rows() { return IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? term.row : buffSize;}
+static inline int rangeY(int i) { while (i < 0) i += rows(); return i % rows();}
xwrite(int fd, const char *s, size_t len)
@@ -423,6 +433,118 @@ tlinelen(int y)
return i;
+void historyOpToggle(int start, int paint) {
+ if ((!histOp == !(histOp + start)) && ((histOp += start) || 1)) return;
+ if (histMode && paint && (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) || altToggle)) draw();
+ tcursor(CURSOR_SAVE);
+ histOp += start;
+ if (histMode && altToggle) {
+ tswapscreen();
+ memset(term.dirty,0,sizeof(*term.dirty)*term.row);
+ }
+ tcursor(CURSOR_LOAD);
+ *(!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)?&term.line:&term.alt)=&buf[histOp?histOff:insertOff];
+void historyModeToggle(int start) {
+ if (!(histMode = (histOp = !!start))) {
+ selnormalize();
+ tfulldirt();
+ } else {
+ tcursor(CURSOR_SAVE);
+ histOp = 0;
+ histOff = insertOff;
+ }
+int historyBufferScroll(int n) {
+ if (IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) || !n) return histOp;
+ int p=abs(n=(n<0) ? max(n,-term.row) : min(n,term.row)), r=term.row-p,
+ s=sizeof(*term.dirty), *ptr=histOp?&histOff:&insertOff;
+ if (!histMode || histOp) tfulldirt(); else {
+ memmove(&term.dirty[-min(n,0)], &term.dirty[max(n,0)], s*r);
+ memset(&term.dirty[n>0 ? r : 0], 0, s * p);
+ }
+ term.line = &buf[*ptr = (buffSize+*ptr+n) % buffSize];
+ // Cut part of selection removed from buffer, and update
+ int const prevOffBuf = sel.alt ? 0 : insertOff + term.row;
+ if (sel.ob.x != -1 && !histOp && n) {
+ int const offBuf = sel.alt ? 0 : insertOff + term.row,
+ pb = rangeY(sel.ob.y - prevOffBuf),
+ pe = rangeY(sel.oe.y - prevOffBuf);
+ int const b = rangeY(sel.ob.y - offBuf), nln = n < 0,
+ e = rangeY(sel.oe.y - offBuf), last = offBuf - nln;
+ if (pb != b && ((pb < b) != nln)) sel.ob.y = last;
+ if (pe != e && ((pe < e) != nln)) sel.oe.y = last;
+ if (sel.oe.y == last && sel.ob.y == last) selclear();
+ }
+ selnormalize();
+ // Clear the new region exposed by the shift.
+ if (!histOp) tclearregion(0, n>0?r+1:0, buffCols-1, n>0?term.row:p-1);
+ return 1;
+int historyMove(int x, int y, int ly) {
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ y += ((term.c.x += x) < 0 ?term.c.x-term.col :term.c.x) / term.col;//< x
+ if ((term.c.x %= term.col) < 0) term.c.x += term.col;
+ if ((term.c.y += y) >= term.row) ly += term.c.y - term.row + 1; //< y
+ else if (term.c.y < 0) ly += term.c.y;
+ term.c.y = MIN(MAX(term.c.y, 0), term.row - 1);
+ // Check if scroll is necessary / arrived at top / bottom of terminal history
+ int t = 0, b = 0, finTop = ly < 0, finBot = ly > 0;
+ b=rangeY(insertOff-histOff), t=-rangeY(-term.row-(insertOff-histOff));
+ finBot = ly > b, finTop=histMode&&((-ly>-t));
+ }
+ if ((finTop || finBot) && (x||y)) term.c.x = finBot ? term.col-1 : 0;
+ historyBufferScroll(finBot ? b : (finTop ? t : ly));
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
+ return finTop || finBot;
+#include "normalMode.c"
+void selnormalize(void) {
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ int const oldb = sel.nb.y, olde =;
+ if (sel.ob.x == -1) {
+ = sel.nb.y = -1;
+ } else {
+ int const offsetBuffer = sel.alt ? 0 : insertOff + term.row;
+ int const off = sel.alt ? 0 : (histMode ? histOff : insertOff);
+ int const nby = rangeY(sel.ob.y - off),
+ ney = rangeY(sel.oe.y - off);
+ sel.swap = rangeY(sel.ob.y - offsetBuffer)
+ > rangeY(sel.oe.y - offsetBuffer);
+ sel.nb.y = sel.swap ? ney : nby;
+ = !sel.swap ? ney : nby;
+ int const cnb = sel.nb.y < term.row, cne = < term.row;
+ if (sel.type == SEL_REGULAR && sel.ob.y != sel.oe.y) {
+ if (cnb) sel.nb.x = (!sel.swap) ? sel.ob.x : sel.oe.x;
+ if (cne) = (!sel.swap) ? sel.oe.x : sel.ob.x;
+ } else {
+ if (cnb) sel.nb.x = MIN(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x);
+ if (cne) = MAX(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x);
+ }
+ }
+ int const nBet=sel.nb.y<, oBet=oldb<=olde;
+ for (int i = 0; i < term.row; ++i) {
+ int const n = nBet ? BETWEEN(i, sel.nb.y,
+ : OUT(i, sel.nb.y,;
+ term.dirty[i] |= (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR && n) ||
+ (n != (oBet ? BETWEEN(i,oldb,olde) : OUT(i,oldb,olde)));
+ }
+ if (BETWEEN(oldb, 0, term.row - 1)) term.dirty[oldb] = 1;
+ if (BETWEEN(olde, 0, term.row - 1)) term.dirty[olde] = 1;
+ if (BETWEEN(sel.nb.y, 0, term.row - 1)) term.dirty[sel.nb.y] = 1;
+ if (BETWEEN(, 0, term.row - 1)) term.dirty[] = 1;
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
selstart(int col, int row, int snap)
@@ -432,19 +554,14 @@ selstart(int col, int row, int snap)
sel.snap = snap;
sel.oe.x = sel.ob.x = col;
- sel.oe.y = sel.ob.y = row;
+ sel.oe.y = sel.ob.y = row + !sel.alt * (histMode ? histOff : insertOff);
+ if (sel.snap != 0) sel.mode = SEL_READY;
- if (sel.snap != 0)
- sel.mode = SEL_READY;
- tsetdirt(sel.nb.y,;
selextend(int col, int row, int type, int done)
- int oldey, oldex, oldsby, oldsey, oldtype;
if (sel.mode == SEL_IDLE)
if (done && sel.mode == SEL_EMPTY) {
@@ -452,51 +569,13 @@ selextend(int col, int row, int type, int done)
- oldey = sel.oe.y;
- oldex = sel.oe.x;
- oldsby = sel.nb.y;
- oldsey =;
- oldtype = sel.type;
sel.oe.x = col;
- sel.oe.y = row;
+ sel.oe.y = row + (sel.alt ? 0 : (histMode ? histOff : insertOff));
sel.type = type;
- if (oldey != sel.oe.y || oldex != sel.oe.x || oldtype != sel.type || sel.mode == SEL_EMPTY)
- tsetdirt(MIN(sel.nb.y, oldsby), MAX(, oldsey));
sel.mode = done ? SEL_IDLE : SEL_READY;
- int i;
- if (sel.type == SEL_REGULAR && sel.ob.y != sel.oe.y) {
- sel.nb.x = sel.ob.y < sel.oe.y ? sel.ob.x : sel.oe.x;
- = sel.ob.y < sel.oe.y ? sel.oe.x : sel.ob.x;
- } else {
- sel.nb.x = MIN(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x);
- = MAX(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x);
- }
- sel.nb.y = MIN(sel.ob.y, sel.oe.y);
- = MAX(sel.ob.y, sel.oe.y);
- selsnap(&sel.nb.x, &sel.nb.y, -1);
- selsnap(&, &, +1);
- /* expand selection over line breaks */
- if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR)
- return;
- i = tlinelen(sel.nb.y);
- if (i < sel.nb.x)
- sel.nb.x = i;
- if (tlinelen( <=
- = term.col - 1;
selected(int x, int y)
@@ -508,119 +587,47 @@ selected(int x, int y)
return BETWEEN(y, sel.nb.y,
&& BETWEEN(x, sel.nb.x,;
- return BETWEEN(y, sel.nb.y,
- && (y != sel.nb.y || x >= sel.nb.x)
- && (y != || x <=;
-selsnap(int *x, int *y, int direction)
- int newx, newy, xt, yt;
- int delim, prevdelim;
- Glyph *gp, *prevgp;
- switch (sel.snap) {
- case SNAP_WORD:
- /*
- * Snap around if the word wraps around at the end or
- * beginning of a line.
- */
- prevgp = &term.line[*y][*x];
- prevdelim = ISDELIM(prevgp->u);
- for (;;) {
- newx = *x + direction;
- newy = *y;
- if (!BETWEEN(newx, 0, term.col - 1)) {
- newy += direction;
- newx = (newx + term.col) % term.col;
- if (!BETWEEN(newy, 0, term.row - 1))
- break;
- if (direction > 0)
- yt = *y, xt = *x;
- else
- yt = newy, xt = newx;
- if (!(term.line[yt][xt].mode & ATTR_WRAP))
- break;
- }
- if (newx >= tlinelen(newy))
- break;
- gp = &term.line[newy][newx];
- delim = ISDELIM(gp->u);
- if (!(gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) && (delim != prevdelim
- || (delim && gp->u != prevgp->u)))
- break;
- *x = newx;
- *y = newy;
- prevgp = gp;
- prevdelim = delim;
- }
- break;
- case SNAP_LINE:
- /*
- * Snap around if the the previous line or the current one
- * has set ATTR_WRAP at its end. Then the whole next or
- * previous line will be selected.
- */
- *x = (direction < 0) ? 0 : term.col - 1;
- if (direction < 0) {
- for (; *y > 0; *y += direction) {
- if (!(term.line[*y-1][term.col-1].mode
- & ATTR_WRAP)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (direction > 0) {
- for (; *y < term.row-1; *y += direction) {
- if (!(term.line[*y][term.col-1].mode
- & ATTR_WRAP)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
+ return ((sel.nb.y > ? OUT(y, sel.nb.y,
+ : BETWEEN(y, sel.nb.y, &&
+ (y != sel.nb.y || x >= sel.nb.x) &&
+ (y != || x <=;
char *
char *str, *ptr;
- int y, bufsize, lastx, linelen;
+ int y, yy, bufsize, lastx;
Glyph *gp, *last;
if (sel.ob.x == -1)
return NULL;
- bufsize = (term.col+1) * ( * UTF_SIZ;
+ int const start = sel.swap ? sel.oe.y : sel.ob.y, h = rows();
+ int endy = (sel.swap ? sel.ob.y : sel.oe.y);
+ for (; endy < start; endy += h);
+ Line * const cbuf = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? term.line : buf;
+ bufsize = (term.col+1) * (endy-start+1 ) * UTF_SIZ;
+ assert(bufsize > 0);
ptr = str = xmalloc(bufsize);
/* append every set & selected glyph to the selection */
- for (y = sel.nb.y; y <=; y++) {
- if ((linelen = tlinelen(y)) == 0) {
- *ptr++ = '\n';
- continue;
- }
+ for (y = start; y <= endy; y++) {
+ yy = y % h;
if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR) {
- gp = &term.line[y][sel.nb.x];
+ gp = &cbuf[yy][sel.nb.x];
lastx =;
} else {
- gp = &term.line[y][sel.nb.y == y ? sel.nb.x : 0];
- lastx = ( == y) ? : term.col-1;
+ gp = &cbuf[yy][start == y ? sel.nb.x : 0];
+ lastx = (endy == y) ? : term.col-1;
- last = &term.line[y][MIN(lastx, linelen-1)];
- while (last >= gp && last->u == ' ')
- --last;
+ last = &cbuf[yy][lastx];
+ if (!(cbuf[yy][term.col - 1].mode & ATTR_WRAP))
+ while (last > gp && last->u == ' ') --last;
for ( ; gp <= last; ++gp) {
- if (gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
- continue;
+ if (gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) continue;
ptr += utf8encode(gp->u, ptr);
@@ -633,7 +640,7 @@ getsel(void)
* st.
* FIXME: Fix the computer world.
- if ((y < || lastx >= linelen) &&
+ if ((y < endy || lastx == term.col - 1) &&
(!(last->mode & ATTR_WRAP) || sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR))
*ptr++ = '\n';
@@ -648,7 +655,7 @@ selclear(void)
sel.mode = SEL_IDLE;
sel.ob.x = -1;
- tsetdirt(sel.nb.y,;
+ selnormalize();
@@ -1000,8 +1007,7 @@ tfulldirt(void)
tcursor(int mode)
- static TCursor c[2];
+ int alt = (histOp) ? 0 : (IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) + 1);
if (mode == CURSOR_SAVE) {
c[alt] = term.c;
@@ -1061,6 +1067,7 @@ tswapscreen(void)
tscrolldown(int orig, int n)
+ if (!orig && historyBufferScroll(-n)) return;
int i;
Line temp;
@@ -1081,6 +1088,7 @@ tscrolldown(int orig, int n)
tscrollup(int orig, int n)
+ if (!orig && historyBufferScroll(n)) return;
int i;
Line temp;
@@ -1232,8 +1240,8 @@ tclearregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
if (y1 > y2)
temp = y1, y1 = y2, y2 = temp;
- LIMIT(x1, 0, term.col-1);
- LIMIT(x2, 0, term.col-1);
+ LIMIT(x1, 0, buffCols-1);
+ LIMIT(x2, 0, buffCols-1);
LIMIT(y1, 0, term.row-1);
LIMIT(y2, 0, term.row-1);
@@ -2394,8 +2402,6 @@ check_control_code:
- if (selected(term.c.x, term.c.y))
- selclear();
gp = &term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x];
if (IS_SET(MODE_WRAP) && (term.c.state & CURSOR_WRAPNEXT)) {
@@ -2465,8 +2471,10 @@ void
tresize(int col, int row)
int i;
- int minrow = MIN(row, term.row);
- int mincol = MIN(col, term.col);
+ int const colSet = col, alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN), ini = buf == NULL;
+ col = MAX(col, buffCols);
+ row = MIN(row, buffSize);
+ int const minrow = MIN(row, term.row), mincol = MIN(col, buffCols);
int *bp;
TCursor c;
@@ -2475,6 +2483,7 @@ tresize(int col, int row)
"tresize: error resizing to %dx%d\n", col, row);
+ if (alt) tswapscreen();
* slide screen to keep cursor where we expect it -
@@ -2482,48 +2491,54 @@ tresize(int col, int row)
* memmove because we're freeing the earlier lines
for (i = 0; i <= term.c.y - row; i++) {
- free(term.line[i]);
/* ensure that both src and dst are not NULL */
if (i > 0) {
- memmove(term.line, term.line + i, row * sizeof(Line));
memmove(term.alt, term.alt + i, row * sizeof(Line));
for (i += row; i < term.row; i++) {
- free(term.line[i]);
/* resize to new height */
- term.line = xrealloc(term.line, row * sizeof(Line));
+ buf = xrealloc(buf, (buffSize + row) * sizeof(Line));
term.alt = xrealloc(term.alt, row * sizeof(Line));
term.dirty = xrealloc(term.dirty, row * sizeof(*term.dirty));
+ mark = xrealloc(mark, col * row * sizeof(*mark));
term.tabs = xrealloc(term.tabs, col * sizeof(*term.tabs));
/* resize each row to new width, zero-pad if needed */
for (i = 0; i < minrow; i++) {
- term.line[i] = xrealloc(term.line[i], col * sizeof(Glyph));
term.alt[i] = xrealloc(term.alt[i], col * sizeof(Glyph));
/* allocate any new rows */
for (/* i = minrow */; i < row; i++) {
- term.line[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph));
term.alt[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph));
- if (col > term.col) {
- bp = term.tabs + term.col;
+ if (col > buffCols) {
+ bp = term.tabs + buffCols;
- memset(bp, 0, sizeof(*term.tabs) * (col - term.col));
+ memset(bp, 0, sizeof(*term.tabs) * (col - buffCols));
while (--bp > term.tabs && !*bp)
/* nothing */ ;
for (bp += tabspaces; bp < term.tabs + col; bp += tabspaces)
*bp = 1;
+ Glyph g=(Glyph){, .fg=term.c.attr.fg, .u=' ', .mode=0};
+ for (i = 0; i < buffSize; ++i) {
+ buf[i] = xrealloc(ini ? NULL : buf[i], col*sizeof(Glyph));
+ for (int j = ini ? 0 : buffCols; j < col; ++j) buf[i][j] = g;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < row; ++i) buf[buffSize + i] = buf[i];
+ term.line = &buf[*(histOp?&histOff:&insertOff) +=MAX(term.c.y-row+1,0)];
+ memset(mark, 0, col * row * sizeof(*mark));
/* update terminal size */
- term.col = col;
+ term.col = colSet;
+ buffCols = col;
term.row = row;
+ if (alt) tswapscreen();
/* reset scrolling region */
tsetscroll(0, row-1);
/* make use of the LIMIT in tmoveto */
@@ -2552,15 +2567,17 @@ resettitle(void)
drawregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ if (altToggle && histMode && !histOp)
+ memset(term.dirty, 0, sizeof(*term.dirty) * term.row);
+ int const o = !IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) && histMode && !histOp, h =rows();
int y;
for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
- if (!term.dirty[y])
- continue;
- term.dirty[y] = 0;
- xdrawline(term.line[y], x1, y, x2);
+ int const oy = o ? (y + insertOff - histOff + h) % h : y;
+ if (!BETWEEN(oy, 0, term.row-1) || !term.dirty[y]) continue;
+ xdrawline(term.line[y], x1, oy, x2);
+ memset(&term.dirty[y1], 0, sizeof(*term.dirty) * (y2 - y1));
@@ -2579,7 +2596,9 @@ draw(void)
if (term.line[term.c.y][cx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
+ if (histMode) historyPreDraw();
drawregion(0, 0, term.col, term.row);
+ if (!histMode)
xdrawcursor(cx, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][cx],
term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx]);
term.ocx = cx;
diff --git a/st.h b/st.h
index 3d351b6..ad2915f 100644
--- a/st.h
+++ b/st.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
+#define OUT(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) || (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
+void tmoveto(int x, int y);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
diff --git a/utils.h b/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca435e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/// Dynamic memory-chunk, with (1) datatype size, (2/3) initialized / allocated chunk, (4) content
+typedef struct { uint8_t const elSize; uint32_t init, alloc; char* content; } DynamicArray;
+#define UTF8_ARRAY {4, 0, 0, NULL}
+static inline int p_alloc(DynamicArray *s, uint32_t amount) {
+ uint32_t const diff=s->init+s->elSize*amount-s->alloc, nas=s->alloc+max(diff,15)*s->elSize;
+ if (s->alloc < s->init + s->elSize * amount) {
+ char* tmp = realloc(s->content, nas);
+ if (!tmp) return 0;
+ s->alloc = nas, s->content = tmp;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static inline char *view(DynamicArray * s, uint32_t i) { return s->content + i*s->elSize; }
+static inline char *end(DynamicArray *s, uint32_t i) { return s->content +s->init-(i+1)*s->elSize; }
+static inline uint32_t getU32(DynamicArray* s, uint32_t i, int b) { return *((uint32_t*) (b ?view(s,i) :end(s,i))); }
+static char *expand(DynamicArray *s) { if (!p_alloc(s, 1)) return NULL; s->init += s->elSize; return end(s, 0); }
+static inline void pop(DynamicArray* s) { s->init -= s->elSize; }
+static inline void empty(DynamicArray* s) { s->init = 0; }
+static inline int size(DynamicArray const * s) { return s->init / s->elSize; }
+static inline void assign(DynamicArray* s, DynamicArray const *o) {
+ if (p_alloc(s, size(o))) memcpy(s->content, o->content, (s->init=o->init));
diff --git a/win.h b/win.h
index a6ef1b9..cea19f3 100644
--- a/win.h
+++ b/win.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ enum win_mode {
MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17,
+ MODE_NORMAL = 1 << 18,
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..643e870 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ char *argv0;
#include "arg.h"
#include "st.h"
#include "win.h"
+#include "normalMode.h"
/* types used in config.h */
typedef struct {
@@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ clipcopy(const Arg *dummy)
xsel.clipboard = NULL;
+ xsetsel(getsel());
if (xsel.primary != NULL) {
xsel.clipboard = xstrdup(xsel.primary);
@@ -460,7 +462,6 @@ void
bpress(XEvent *e)
struct timespec now;
- int snap;
if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forcemousemod)) {
@@ -476,17 +477,34 @@ bpress(XEvent *e)
* snapping behaviour is exposed.
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
- if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick2) <= tripleclicktimeout) {
- snap = SNAP_LINE;
- } else if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick1) <= doubleclicktimeout) {
- snap = SNAP_WORD;
+ int const tripleClick = TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick2) <= tripleclicktimeout,
+ doubleClick = TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick1) <= doubleclicktimeout;
+ if ((mouseYank || mouseSelect) && (tripleClick || doubleClick)) {
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_NORMAL)) normalMode();
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ tmoveto(evcol(e), evrow(e));
+ if (tripleClick) {
+ if (mouseYank) pressKeys("dVy", 3);
+ if (mouseSelect) pressKeys("dV", 2);
+ } else if (doubleClick) {
+ if (mouseYank) pressKeys("dyiW", 4);
+ if (mouseSelect) {
+ tmoveto(evcol(e), evrow(e));
+ pressKeys("viW", 3);
+ }
+ }
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
} else {
- snap = 0;
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_NORMAL)) selstart(evcol(e), evrow(e), 0);
+ else {
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ tmoveto(evcol(e), evrow(e));
+ pressKeys("v", 1);
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
+ }
xsel.tclick2 = xsel.tclick1;
xsel.tclick1 = now;
- selstart(evcol(e), evrow(e), snap);
@@ -691,8 +709,7 @@ brelease(XEvent *e)
if (mouseaction(e, 1))
- if (e->xbutton.button == Button1)
- mousesel(e, 1);
+ if (e->xbutton.button == Button1 && !IS_SET(MODE_NORMAL)) mousesel(e, 1);
@@ -772,6 +789,8 @@ xloadcolor(int i, const char *name, Color *ncolor)
return XftColorAllocName(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, name, ncolor);
+void normalMode() { historyModeToggle((win.mode ^=MODE_NORMAL) & MODE_NORMAL); }
@@ -1225,8 +1244,10 @@ xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x
for (i = 0, xp = winx, yp = winy + font->ascent; i < len; ++i) {
/* Fetch rune and mode for current glyph. */
- rune = glyphs[i].u;
- mode = glyphs[i].mode;
+ Glyph g = glyphs[i];
+ historyOverlay(x+i, y, &g);
+ rune = g.u;
+ mode = g.mode;
/* Skip dummy wide-character spacing. */
if (mode == ATTR_WDUMMY)
@@ -1609,6 +1630,7 @@ xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2)
i = ox = 0;
for (x = x1; x < x2 && i < numspecs; x++) {
new = line[x];
+ historyOverlay(x, y1, &new);
if (new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY)
if (selected(x, y1))
@@ -1800,6 +1822,11 @@ kpress(XEvent *ev)
len = XmbLookupString(xw.ime.xic, e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, &status);
len = XLookupString(e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, NULL);
+ if (kPressHist(buf, len, match(ControlMask, e->state), &ksym)
+ == finish) normalMode();
+ return;
+ }
/* 1. shortcuts */
for (bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) {
if (ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) {