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Waffle API docs (currently not implemented)


Waffle uses a WebSocket gateway to transmit various updates from the server to the client and vice-versa (new message, user disconnecting, connect to voice, etc.)

Gateway Payload format

All payloads sent through the gateway are string payloads. They all start with a number represeting the "instruction", followed by a "@" character (to delimit the instruction number from the rest of the payload), after which comes the data for the specific instruction.

Example packet:

23@this is my payload data

Note for the example above: The "this is my payload data" text should not be user controlled. If user controlled input is required, it must be sanitized and/or passed as a JSON field.

Packets can also have JSON as a payload:



The terms "channel" and "category" are used interchangeably.


Part of handshake, Server to client

Sent by the server to the client as soon as possible after they connect to the gateway.

This payload can contain a JSON object with various information about the server. It should be relied on only when absolutely necessary.




Part of handshake, Client to server

Sent by the client as soon as possible after receiving the HELLO instruction.

JSON data format:

Field Description
token The authentication token
client The name of the application the client is connecting from (e.g. browser_react_app)


1@{"token":"my totally real token","client":"amazing client"}

If the token is invalid, or the connection is otherwise rejected, the client should be disconnected as soon as possible, and no YOO_ACK should be sent.


Part of handshake, Server to client

Sent by the server as soon as possible after processing the YOO payload from the client.

This payload contains an empty JSON object, that may have data added to it in later versions of this software.




Auth required, Client to server

Sent by the client when sending a message.

JSON data format:

Field Description
content The text content of the message
channel An object that contains "_id", the id of the channel to send the message to


3@{"content":"i hate you","channel_id":"totally real channel id"}


Auth required, Server to client

Sent by the server when a new message is created in a channel the client is subscribed to.

JSON data format: Message object


Auth required, Client to server

Sent by the client when updating status. Usually, this packet is sent as soon as possible after getting YOO_ACK to indicate the client is online.

JSON data format:

Field Description
status_text Custom status text, max 50 characters, min 1 non-whitespace character, trimmed




Auth required, Server to client

Sent by the server after YOO_ACK, and otherwise when the entire status needs to be updated. If only one user's status changes, use EVENT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_UPDATE.

JSON data format (this ones tough): Contains a JSON object, where each key is a channel id and each property is an array of user presence objects.




Auth required, Server to client

Sent by the server when the status of a member changes. Of course, the client has to be in a channel with that member in order to receive this update.

JSON data format: It's just a user presence object.




Auth required, Client to server

Sent by the client whenever it wants to initiate a voice session in a specific channel.

JSON data format:

Field Description
channel An object that contains "_id", the id of the channel to connect to



Auth required, Client to server

Sent by the server when the voice session request has been accepted. If it is rejected, the client MUST be disconnected from the gateway as soon as possible.

JSON data format:

Field Description
reportTo The IP and port of the voice server to connect to


Objects and data types

Message object

Field Description
content The text content of the message (max 2000 characters, min 1 character, trimmed)
channel A message channel object
author A message author object

Message channel object

Used mostly for messages.

Field Description
_id The id of the channel
name The name of the channel

Message author object

Used mostly for messages.

Field Description
_id The id of the user
name The name of the user

User presence object

Field Description
_id The id of the user
name The name of the user
status The status of the user (see ACTION_UPDATE_STATUS)
status_text The text status of the user (see ACTION_UPDATE_STATUS)