2021-07-12 05:18:05 +02:00

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Now basic deps for aps are make, gcc, git. So, using aps, there are some variables, so, let's see them.


  • temp_location is as says it's a temporary location.
  • install_root is as (again) as says it's a install root.
  • installed_pkg_databese is a database of installed pkgs for APS.
  • locpkg_database is a database of pkgs in the repo that are for APS
  • lock locks the package manager


The standard APS functions are as, follows:

  • install installs but locally
  • sync serves as update and install from repo
  • remove removes packages
  • upgrade upgrades installed packages
  • help displays help
  • list lists packages


Let's get an iso, i, personally (author, Ohio2) prefer xubuntu. You got an iso, congrats! Now flash it with some flashing software, like, balenaEtcher to your usb or something. If you boot up the iso & you select i want to try out xubuntu, you'll land up on xfce. Go to start > terminal. Now if you setup partitions earlier on, skip it. Now type in sudo -i gparted, make a msdos partition table, make two new partitions, one that's your disk size or whatever you prefer -512M and a second one... that's 512M large. Ok save and write. Mount /dev/sda1 to wherever you want, now wget aps: wget https://git.hippoz.xyz/alnux/aps/raw/branch/master/aps, edit aps to install_root variable to wherever you mounted /dev/sda1. If you want to, add make default variables like this, edit /etc/make.conf add MAKEOPTS=-j whatever was your processor number by x1.5 and save. Now that's done let's sync our first package, aps sync make and all for the packages that you want... aps list. Now do mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot, aps sync grub-configmake and run <prefix/here>/usr/bin/grub-configmake, it should do all the necessary things... Now you can compile linux... get it from it's source to wherever you pick, do what you need to do, configure it by make menuconfig, make make, install make modules_install DESTDIR="<prefix/here>" && make install DESTDIR="<prefix/here> and mount every root directory with -o rebind and chroot andd install grub via grub-install --root-directory=<prefix/here>, you can reboot now, and you can boot


Git or Gzip need zlib

  • apt install zlib1g-dev Linux to compile needs:
  • apt install bison flex libssl-dev